Category: Digital Transformation

Is Your Retail Business For Change? Four Key Shopping Trends
To say this year has been different would be an understatement. From transitioning to remote work to total retail shut down, keeping businesses afloat and jobs secure has been a struggle. With the pandemic still affecting companies and customers during the holiday shopping season, many small a...

Does It Make Sense for Your Business to Invest in Technology During a Downturn?
Midmarket companies (with 500 to 2,500 employees) understand the connection between business success and technology: 78% agree that using technology effectively is key to business survival and growth. However, it can seem counterintuitive to increase spending as the pandemic and ongoing economic uncertainty continue to create headwinds for many businesses. For example, in SMB G...

Mobilizing Technology for Effective Remote Working Environments
The practice of working from home has skyrocketed in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, as companies told their employees to stay home to comply with the widespread quarantine and social-distancing requirements. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) have had to coordinate a sudden and massive migration to work from home (WFH) for almost all of their employees, using collaboration tools in ways that ...

Where Are SMBs In The Digital Transformation Journey?
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Feelings The Term Digital Transformation Evokes Among SMBs
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