Category: Cloud Computing Platform

SMB Spotlight: IBM’s Midmarket GM On New Partner Strategy and Programs for SMB and Midmarket Companies (Part 2)

Sanjeev: Hi, this Sanjeev Aggarwal from the SMB Group, and in today’s SMB Spotlight I’m speaking with John Mason, who is IBM’s General Manager for Midmarket. Hi John. Thanks for joining me in this two-part discussion about new IBM developments and solutions that are relevant for the

Discussing 2015 SMB Tech Trends, Part 1: Cloud is the New IT Infrastructure for SMBs

Discussing 2015 SMB Tech Trends, Part 1: Cloud is the New IT Infrastructure for SMBs

Recently, I had the pleasure of kicking off the new year as a guest on Act Local Marketing for Small Business with host Kalynn Amadio. Each week, Kalynn shares information and actionable tips to help inspire and motivate small and medium businesses (SMBs) reach their business goals.  On this episode,...

SAP TechEd 2012: Implications for SMEs and the Partner Ecosystem

Sanjeev Aggarwal, Partner, SMB Group During the week of October 15, I attended SAP TechEd 2012 in Las Vegas, along with about 6,500 SAP technology specialists and partners, and a small group of influencers. Although SAP is more widely renowned fo...

Slideshow: Top 10 SMB Technology Predictions for 2012

Each year, the SMB Group offers its Top 10 SMB Technology Predictions. In 2011, we created a slideshow version. Due to popular demand, we've created a slideshow version of our 2012 predictions, which are summarized below. Economic Anxiety Low...

Take the Poll: Is becoming too complex for your SMB?

In the post, Is Salesforce Outgrowing SMBs? I discussed's new social enterprise vision, and questioned how it will work for SMBs. If you are part of a small or medium business, I'd like your thoughts! [polldaddy poll=5484341]